
'Tis The Season

It's that time of year again. The air gets colder, the food gets heartier and people across the globe get in tune with that which makes everything better - good friends and even better family.


My Take

So that time has come and passed. You know the one: election season. It was a long an arduous journey for those who chose to care enough to pay attention to the entire thing. It was even longer for those who couldn't give two shits about it but were still berated with political ads, signs, phone calls, mailings, Facebook posts, tweets, and whatever other means of communications politicos can find to reach people. At the end of the day, it's over. Now it's my turn to my take on it all.


The Fix

Continuing on with talk of "The Steroid Era", I'll tell you what professional sports need in order to get themselves back on track. Will it cost a lot? Yes. Will it change the outlook of pro sports as we know it? Probably. Is it far-fetched, not fully hashed out, and probably illegal? Absolutely.

The Steroid Era

In today's age we're all looking to get ahead. Some of us do it through hard work, or lowering our expectations. Others, mainly speaking of professional athletes, tend to go through other means. Yes, we seemingly can't get out of "The Steroid Era" whether it be in awesome sports like Football and WWE, or sports that don't matter like Baseball, Track and Field, and Cycling. These drastic times call for drastic measures. Enter: Chris Badders, sports fixer-upper.


Take Time to Be Thankful

When I think about it, at this point in my life I have lived in three different cities, four if you count my month abroad, worked four different jobs since graduating college, and had experiences both good and bad that are too numerous to count. Friday will mark the end of my stint in Virginia, and I'm not particularly sure if it's because my time is drawing to a close, or if these things have been on my mind for a couple weeks now, but I've been reflecting. I always do when I make one transition to the next. What I've meditated on the most, I intend to share, but to paraphrase: Take time out of your day to be thankful. I have. And I am.


My Hero

Our Heroes

Hero. It's a word that you can't go without hearing from some talking head on some television show on some network on some random night of the week. I'd venture out to say that it is one of the most overly used words in today's vernacular. Yet with the passing of one true American hero, Neil Armstrong, over the weekend, I took the moment to pause and think of what it means to be a hero.


Wires And Lights In A Box

During my years as a budding journalist, I had my fair share of history lessons on broadcasters past and present. After reading of Edward R. Murrow he became by far my favorite newsman from days of old. Why? I'm not really sure, but when I read his speech "Wires and Lights in a Box" I knew that this guy was no normal journalist. His diction was incredible, yes, but it was the message within his words that rings true even into today.


Are We On The Homestretch Yet? (part 2)

Continuing on with my political rant of the week. Feel free to continue reading if you want. I promise this  part isn't about the president or anyone vying for his seat. This is the part you really should be paying attention to. Well.. the idea of it anyway. Like I always say - think and seek out the information for yourself.

Are We On The Homestretch Yet? (part 1)

As the year drones on at increasing speed, there seems to be one thing that just can't get here soon enough. No, I'm not talking Thanksgving, Christmas, or Football season. I'm talking about the Presidential Election. Maybe it's because I live in Virginia and am so well connected to people back in North Carolina, two of the so called "battleground" states for this election, but I've reached my breaking point with the campaigns, and we're only at the halfway mark.


The Agony of Defeat

With the Olympics ongoing we've been subjected to many of the happiest moments in the lives of athletes the world over. We've also seen the harsh reality of competing in such high-level sports, the pain of those who came so close but didn't achieve their goals.


Do You Remember?

You may know by now that I have a certain affinity for the newest HBO show The Newsroom. Maybe it's because I work and have worked in different newsrooms myself, maybe it's because I have a huge man crush on Aaron Sorkin's writing abilities, or maybe it's because of something different. But rarely has a show caused me to run the full gamut of emotions like this one does, much like this week's episode.

The Beginning

As I've grown up, I've found that there are many things that I'm terrible at, many things that I am mediocre at, and many things that I consider myself to have a special knack for. In this vein, I have decided to get back to one of those things: writing.