
'Tis The Season

It's that time of year again. The air gets colder, the food gets heartier and people across the globe get in tune with that which makes everything better - good friends and even better family.

I have to say that my favorite time of the year is the few months between October and January. Is there any disputing that it's probably the best third of the year, hands down. Granted, yes, summer time is awesome because of the beach, grilling out and everything fun under the sun. Spring is cool because it starts to warm up again and the calendar gives us two drinking holidays outside of the traditional three-day weekends throughout the year.

But I don't think anyone can say that between Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and, most importantly, my birthday that there is a better stretch of holiday fun, debauchery and merriment.

Now, I do say this with a caveat. I am one of the fortunate people in this world who has incredibly strong family ties. With my two brothers living outside of North Carolina, the holiday season is one of maybe two times a year where the entire family can get together. I consider myself extremely lucky to say that I am close to each member of my family and there's something about having everyone together that lifts my spirits.

Unfortunately some weren't so lucky this year to have this time with their families. I've avoided speaking of the Newtown shooting until now, and even now I won't use it as a sounding board to speak my mind on gun control, lack there of, or the need to reevaluate the mental health system in the country. You've all heard the arguments, you can make your own decisions based on your beliefs.

What I will use it for is an example of a greater problem that doesn't seem to be getting addressed. There is a general moral decline in this country that everyone is very much aware of, but is not want to do anything about. In a world where we're more concerned with having our vitriolic viewpoints on politics or whatever else we want to sound off on, we have come to accept that we'd rather be heard than try to address actual issues.

We live in a world where we'd rather watch Jersey Shore and Honey Booboo than something informative. A world where the nightly news has become a platform where pundits and rogue commentators are forming your opinions for you, rather than you forming your own opinion based on the objective facts presented. Our culture, once touting itself as a mixing bowl of diversity, is becoming more of a segregated shouting match.

What's worse - we're actively letting it happen rather than addressing any issue and trying to make a change for the better. Kennedy coined the phrase ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. That mentality is long gone in the rearview mirror of this metaphorical highway. Degradation and selfishness has permeated into the foundation of the American culture, and we're not calling in the contractor to make a fix.

I suppose that's why I love this holiday season so much. For a few short weeks random acts of kindness sprout up here and there and people get a glimpse of what once was and what could be. Come the first few weeks of 2013 though and it will mostly all be for naught, save the few truly good people in the world.

As 2012 winds down to a close, I think of those people I love and care for. I remember my best friend, Chris Yoder, who I wish every day was still with us. I look back on everything that has happened in my life and am thankful for everything. I focus on the good parts, ignore the bad, and hope that eventually we'll all go back to a less hostile existence.

Happy 2012 everyone. Let the good times continue into 2013, and may we wish for a brighter tomorrow.

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