
My Take

So that time has come and passed. You know the one: election season. It was a long an arduous journey for those who chose to care enough to pay attention to the entire thing. It was even longer for those who couldn't give two shits about it but were still berated with political ads, signs, phone calls, mailings, Facebook posts, tweets, and whatever other means of communications politicos can find to reach people. At the end of the day, it's over. Now it's my turn to my take on it all.

It all seems like a lot of needless build up, doesn't it? The whole song and dance with the primaries, the caucuses, the debates, everything involved in a presidential election. It all lasts for close to two years and then by the time Alaska polls are closing, the President is already decided.

As far as last night went, I'd like to say I told you so, but not in the way you're thinking. When I was home celebrating Justin Ritsema's departure to the Peace Corp. I was talking with him and his buddy Duncan and made this prediction:

1. North Carolina votes Republican. Check.
2. Virginia goes blue. Check.
3. Obama wins the election. Check.

So, let me take the moment to savor my Nostradamus moment

That felt nice. Thank you.

Now, whether or not you're an Obama or a Romney supporter I have some news to break to you: it's going to be ok. We can stop the bickering. Yes, the government in bleeding money. Yes, there is a lot of work to be done in order to right the ship. Breathe. We'll get there.

Here's why. The best part about Obama being reelected is the fact that he is now, essentially, a lame-duck President, in the sense that he doesn't have to run for reelection. To this end, we have a legitimate President for the next four years. No taking breaks for campaigning. No having to worry about policy because of what his constituents might think of him come reelection season. Democrats and liberals, this is why his reelection works for you. Think Clinton in 1996, with less money.

Republicans, don't worry there is an upside for you too. Think of all the policy that you can piggyback on. This is your time to shine! The conservative movement has moved way too far right for its own good. The Tea Party was the worst thing to happen to conservatism in this country in the longest time. It's become a literal and virtual shouting match, with whoever shouts the loudest making the decisions. I think we can all agree that this is no way to win a political contest.

The next four years are going to be a blessing for the movement because you have time to evolve yourselves. Old school conservatism is not going to win anything, this election showed that. But if the political right is willing to at least show that they're reaching across the aisle to make some stuff happen in this country, it could change the 2016 election in a big way.* I think of those conservatives and Republicans like my friend Joe Humphries, a true American and genuinely good person, who have their opinions about how the country is run, but don't berate the other side and discount their ideas simply because they wear the badge of "Democrat" or "Liberal". There certainly are many good Republicans in this world, and the political system could do with a good deal of them back in office.

Keep in mind, I'm no political scholar. I just worked in news and that's how I see it all going down.

But what really needs to happen is everyone needs to take a step back and look at the big picture and see the social ramifications that came out of last night.

The 113th Congress will have 19 sitting female senators. 19. Yes, the number is low, but it's also the highest it's ever been in the country's history. It's an incredible thing that can't be praised enough. I, for one, am excited to see Elizabeth Warren do work in Washington. Ever since her speech at the DNC, I've been a huge fan. Ladies - congratulations. May the next election see your sex make even bigger strides. We all could be better for it, unless Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin are involved. Then I'm coming for you.

Washington and Colorado are flying high after last night. Literally. Congratulations, everyone in those two states, you're the happy recipients of marijuana legalization across the state. Yes, for those stoners who are planning your trips, it's become a reality. But what's more important here is to pay attention to the economies in both states. Think of the prison sentences not being handed out, the police force not being used, and the amount of dispensaries being built. I'm very intrigued to see what'll be happening in the upcoming months. Oregon would have jumped on board too, but they were voting against legalization before it was cool.

We now two states that have fully legalized same-sex marriage, the first ever to do so. Think about what that means. Yes, it's a small step toward social equality for everyone, but now two states are finally taking at stand and saying, "No. Gay and lesbian couples aren't secondary citizens. They are people just like everyone else. They deserve the right to be by their loved ones bedside when they're dying in order to say goodbye. They deserve the right to the same benefits as everyone else in a consensual marriage. They deserve the same basic rights as every heterosexual couple in this country." Now they have it.

I don't care who you are and what you think about gay and lesbian couples. Personally, the homosexual community has some of the best and brightest people and supporters that I've ever known. I can only think of how much this means to them, and I hope that eventually the entire country jumps on board so we can all live like we should - as equals.

This election showed us many things, and the path ahead of us now looks a little different than it did last week. I'll admit that, for a lot of our sake's, I'm glad Mr. Obama is allowed to continue the work he started and hopefully turn this country around in the next four years. I hope that we can, because as I've said, we're a country that is better than the past decade, and is severely wasting away our potential.

Rest easy, friends. The end is not nigh. We live on to see another day.

"America, I believe we can build on the progress we've made and continue to fight for new jobs and new opportunity and new security for the middle class. I believe we can keep the promise of our founders, the idea that if you're willing to work hard, it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from or what you look like or where you love. It doesn't matter whether you're black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or young or old or rich or poor, able, disabled, gay or straight. you can make it here in America if you're willing to try. I believe we can seize this future together because we are not as divided as our politics suggests. We're not as cynical as the pundits believe. We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions, and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. We are and forever the United States of America. And together with your help and God's grace we will continue our journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on Earth."
- - President Barack Obama, 2012 Electoral Victory Speech - -

*I realize this is completely unfair to single out just the right wing. Admittedly, we all need to shut the hell up, take a step toward the middle and start working together.

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